radio amateur transmitting has been my great hobby from 1961 year. I tried also some
other hobbies, for example playing guitar, painting, astronomy, traveling Europe,
climbing in High Tatra in Slovakia and Austrian and Swiss Alps. I had a small sailing boat
named Pirat on the Zermanice dam for many years, where I sailed with
my friends and family. Now I also like Internet with great possibilities
to get informations and programs for radio amateur digi and satellite
operation, HF and WX propagation, modify pictures, astronomy, playing music (MID, WAV, MP3)
began transmit in Radioclub named "VITKOVICE" (now S.F.B.Morse
Club) with its call OK2KVI. I took place with my friends in many KV and VKV CW
and SSB contests. We got many QSL cards, awards (confirmed 143 countries
and over 30 awards). It was a great fun. I worked by steps in class C, B to A.
1972 I received my own license as OK2SWD
(Short Wave Dusan hi). There I worked
CW, SSB on all KV bands and FM on VKV 144 MHz. I got till now over 100 Awards (see
my Awards library) and many nice QSL cards. I have confirmed 220 DXCC countries
to the 31th December 2010. I`m a member of CRK, VRK,
and CZ-EPC

made my first RTTY QSO as OK2SWD with LA0HF in 2001 thanks the very good program
sound card from Makoto Mori JE3HHT. By that date I had some dificulties to work
RTTY, because my computer PC486DX2-80 MHz was a little slow. But after some
corrections in configuration this program worked very well. Now I have use with
MMTTY other
digi programs as Digipan v.1.7, 2.0, MixW v.2.07, 2.18, MMVARI 0.41,
MultiPSK 4.16 for RTTY, BPSK31,63,125,
OLIVIA and other DIGI modes and MMSSTV 0.11 for SSTV. From year 2003 I have PC PentiumII-333 MHz 96MB RAM SB16
that all works very well (Now it is in my portable QTH). From year 2005 I have PC
PentiumIV-2.0 GHz 256MB RAM 80GB HD on Windows XP Pro., that all works very
well, too. I tried also the programs PSK31 Deluxe 2.1, W1SQLPSK 4.2, DXPSK 2.0,
MultiPSK 2.2, MMVari 0.42, MultiPSK 4.8, CWSkimmer 1.1, FLDigi 3.03,
AirLinkExpress 1.5.1, Chromapix 2.1, W95SSTV 1.03. For HF-Propagation: VOACAP for WIN98,
Swisslog 3.D8, HFProp 1.3; for Antennas: MN Antena Analysis, Antena Optimiser A0 6.5, HFant,
MMANA 1.77, MMANAgal 1.1; for Sattellite: Orbitron 3.71, Satscape 2.0, JVComm32 1.0. For electro circuits:
CYBER Circuit, Simetrix 4.0, TARGET 3001, Visual Analyser 5.5, Spectrogram 5.0
and SpectrumLab. Most of those programs are on WEB pages http://www.qsl.net/ok2pya/digimodes.
If you want, send me E-mail and I can give you addresses of those programs
on Internet. For contest logs I`m using N6TR program with POST.EXE for convert
logs to Cabrillo format. I send my QSL via CRK bureau (and also I receive your
QSL). If you like, I can send QSL also via eQSL bureau ( http://www.eqsl.cc
) or via E-mail.